At Projek Consultants, our aim is to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers. If for any reason you wish to cancel the order, we are here to help. You will be able to cancel product(s)from your order in multiple ways on Projek Consultants’ Website, namely.
1.1. We can cancel your order if a request is made within 24 hours of placing the order. The request has to be made at hello@projekconsultants.com with your email ID and Phone number used during registration or by calling us on +91 7703 968 848.
1.2. A Refund Request will be deemed valid only if it is made through an email to hello@projekconsultants.com or by calling us on +91 7703 968 848 within 07 days from delivery.
1.4. No Refund will be provided after 07 days from delivery.
1.5. Refunds shall be made to bank account within 10 working days of receipt of invoice.
1.6. If, as a user, you wish to cancel a confirmed shipment made via the Site or the Application, after enrolment to the order, the cancellation policy contained in the applicable Listing will apply to such cancellation provided that no refund will be made in respect of tuitions already provided.
1.7. Our ability to refund the Order Fees and other amounts charged to you will depend upon the terms of the applicable cancellation policy and financial charges applicable in case of course payment through No Cost EMI options. Details regarding refunds and cancellation policies are available via the Site and Application.
1.8. Any grievances relating to the Return and Refund Policy may be directed by you to the grievance officer of Projek Consultants’ who can be contacted at hello@projekconsultants.com